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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • НЛМК увеличил производительность линии цинкования рулонов во Франции NLMK increased the productivity of its coil galvanizing line in France

    NLMK France is investing in process control at its 400,000 tpa galvanizing line in Strasbourg to improve productivity and prevent human errors. The manufacturer installed a predictive furnace control system developed by French equipment manufacturer Fives called VirtuoTM. According to Fives, the...
    29.12.2023  13:39
  • Прогноз производства стали в Японии в январе-марте вырастет на 1,7% Steel production forecast in Japan in January-March will increase by 1.7%

    Japan's steel production is forecast to rise 1.7% year on year in the first three months of 2024 due to healthy demand from automakers, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) said on Tuesday. That would bring the world's third-largest steelmaker's annual output for the fiscal year...
    27.12.2023  12:20
  • Число погибших при пожаре на металлургическом заводе в Индонезии возросло до 18 Death toll in steel plant fire in Indonesia rises to 18

    The death toll from a fire at an Indonesian nickel plant rose to 18 as of Tuesday from 13 on Sunday, local police said, while operations at the plant remained suspended as authorities investigated the cause of the incident. A fire broke out early Sunday morning at a nickel smelting furnace on...
    27.12.2023  12:17
  • Nippon Steel покупает US Steel: отношения между Японией и США крепче, чем когда-либо Nippon Steel Buys US Steel: Japan-US Relations Stronger Than Ever

    Japanese Industry Minister Ken Saito said U.S.-Japan ties are "stronger than ever," although he declined to comment directly on the growing attention in the United States on Nippon Steel's proposed deal to buy U.S. Steel. Speaking at a news conference, Saito said he was aware of a statement from...
    26.12.2023  14:52
  • Крупнейшему сталелитейному заводу Великобритании в Порт-Талботе грозит сокращение 3000 рабочих мест Britain's largest steelworks in Port Talbot faces 3,000 job cuts

    Britain's largest steelworks at Port Talbot faces 3,000 job cuts under plans being considered by owner Tata. Unions have united in the fight to prevent job cuts following the company's announcement. There is a deep split between Community and GMB on one side and Unite on the other, which has...
    19.12.2023  12:32
  • Метинвест и Danieli планируют в 2027 году ввести в эксплуатацию сталелитейный завод в Италии Metinvest and Danieli plan to commission a steel plant in Italy in 2027

    Metinvest and equipment manufacturer Danieli intend to commission Metinvest's advanced hot strip mill in Piombino, Tuscany, by 2027, Tuscany President Eugenio Giani said after a meeting in Florence earlier this week with Metinvest-Trametal and Danieli management. The companies took part in two...
    12.12.2023  14:28
  • Европейские производители плит настаивают на повышении цен European slab manufacturers insist on raising prices

    European steel producers sought higher plate prices in the week to December 8, although demand remained weak. While projects are showing healthy demand for flat products, large distributors are avoiding purchasing larger tonnages as they already restocked inventories when flat prices declined in...
    12.12.2023  14:24
  • В Норвегии поддержали глубоководную добычу в Северном Ледовитом океане Norway supports deep-sea mining in the Arctic Ocean

    Norway has secured a parliamentary majority for plans to open the Arctic Ocean to seabed mineral exploration, despite warnings from environmental groups and the fishing industry that the move would threaten the biodiversity of vulnerable ecosystems. The country's minority centre-left government...
    06.12.2023  13:20
  • Девять человек погибли на шахте Подероза в Перу Nine people died at the Poderosa mine in Peru

    Nine people were killed and 15 injured when a group of armed men raided the Poderosa mines in Patas province, Peru, the interior ministry said in a statement late Saturday. Peru's national police have regained control of the mine, confiscated weapons and detained seven suspects in a fatal...
    04.12.2023  12:29
  • Цена на золото достигла нового исторического максимума The price of gold has reached a new all-time high

    Gold jumped to a new record high on Friday after three straight weeks of gains on bets that U.S. interest rates could soon be cut and on safe-haven buying amid turmoil in the Middle East and elsewhere. New York gold futures rose 1.6% on Friday to close at $2,089.70 an ounce, topping the previous...
    04.12.2023  12:25
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