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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Норвежская компания Blastr Green Steel будет поставлять сверхнизкоуглеродистую сталь Norwegian company Blastr Green Steel will supply ultra-low carbon steel

    Norwegian decarbonized steel developer Blastr Green Steel has announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with German steel distributor INTERFER Edelstahl Group for the annual supply of 150,000 tonnes of ultra-low carbon HRC steel products. Deliveries of these products are planned...
    02.12.2024  12:39
  • Voestalpine не ожидает восстановления в Германии до весны Voestalpine does not expect recovery in Germany until spring

    Voestalpine CEO Herbert Eibensteiner believes that the German economy is unlikely to receive a significant boost before the end of Voestalpine's financial year on March 31, 2025. “The question of when Germany will recover is certainly an interesting one,” Eibensteiner said during a conference cal...
    18.11.2024  14:03
  • Liberty Steel объявляет о плане реструктуризации подразделения Speciality Steel UK Liberty Steel announces plan to restructure Specialty Steel UK

    Liberty Steel has announced a transformational restructuring plan for its Specialty Steel UK (SSUK) division, marking a major milestone in the company's turnaround strategy. This initiative aims to ease the company's debt burden and position SSUK for future growth. The plan received support from...
    15.11.2024  13:28
  • NLMK Verona модернизирует технологию листового проката NLMK Verona modernizes sheet metal technology

    and the Italian enterprise NLMK in Verona will build a new electric arc furnace for the production of slabs, the commissioning of which is scheduled for 2027. The new EAF production process is expected to provide minimal environmental impact while facilitating the production of green steel...
    28.10.2024  20:21
  • Украинские производители стали пострадают от Механизма регулирования выбросов углерода Ukrainian steel producers will suffer from the Carbon Emissions Management Mechanism

    According to a recent study by the Ukrainian GMK Center, pig iron and rolled products production in Ukraine will suffer large losses due to the Carbon Management Mechanism (CBAM) in Europe from 2026. According to the study, almost 93% of Ukrainian exports subject to CBAM regulation are from the...
    20.10.2024  20:38
  • Worldsteel выбирает нового председателя Worldsteel selects a new chairman

    The World Steel Association (worldsteel) has announced the composition of its executive board of directors for the period 2024-2025. Tata Steel CEO Thachat Vishwanath Narendra has been named chairman, while Colakoglu CEO Ugur Dalbeler and Nucor president Leon Topalian have been named...
    16.10.2024  17:03
  • SSAB подписывает соглашение с норвежской компанией о поставках стали без использования ископаемого топлива SSAB signs agreement with Norwegian company to supply fossil-free steel

    Swedish steelmaker SSAB and Norway's largest producer and distributor Smith Stål signed a letter of intent on September 30 regarding the future supply of fossil fuel-free steel, SSAB said in a statement. SSAB has developed two types of low-carbon steel - SSAB zero and SSAB fossil-free steel. ...
    02.10.2024  14:02
  • Nippon повторно подает заявку на оценку США приобретения USS Nippon resubmits application for US assessment of USS acquisition

    Nippon Steel has again asked the US government to reconsider its plan to acquire US Steel (USS). The move could push back the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) review deadline by 90 days to December. Thus, the decision will be made after the presidential elections on...
    27.09.2024  12:38
  • Логистические проблемы АрселорМиттал Кривой Рог Logistics problems ArcelorMittal Krivoy Rog

    According to the company's general director Mauro Longobardo, ArcelorMittal Krivoy Rog (AMKR) can only export finished products to nearby European countries due to high transportation costs. “In the middle of this year, the enterprise managed to reach half the pre-war level of metallurgical p...
    23.09.2024  23:10
  • Nippon Steel продаст активы на сумму $111 млн для управления задолженностью в рамках сделки с US Steel Nippon Steel to sell $111 million worth of assets to manage debt in deal with US Steel

    Nippon Steel plans to sell assets worth at least 30 billion yen ($211 million) this fiscal year to manage its debt, the Nikkei reported on Friday, citing a statement from its vice chairman, as the company awaits a decision on the fate of its purchase of US Steel for $14.9 billion. Earlier this...
    22.09.2024  13:29
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