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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Днепроспецсталь резко увеличила производство готового проката Dneprospetsstal sharply increased production of finished rolled products

    In March 2018, PrJSC Electrometallurgical Plant Dneprospetsstal named after A.N. Kuzmin ”delivered 22,226 tons of steel, which is 5.7% higher than the level of the previous month. During the same period, the Company produced 14,889 tons of rolled metal, which is 5.9% more than in February 2...
    10.04.2018  15:51
  • ArcelorMittal предпочитает итальянский металлургический завод и продает чешский ArcelorMittal Prefers Italian Steel Works and Sells Czech

    The world's largest steel group, ArcelorMittal, has announced plans to sell its Ostrava plant to the government in Prague. According to Czech newspapers, the company wants to get rid of Czech assets, because only in this way the European Commission will agree to buy the ArcelorMittal steel mills in...
    10.04.2018  10:55
  • Правительство Австралии повышает прогнозы цен на железную руду в 2018 году Australian government raises iron ore price forecasts for 2018

    Australian economists raised their forecasts for iron ore and metallurgical coal prices for 2018 and 2019, but are of the opinion that prices will fall further over that time, according to a resource and energy report released on Monday. The report, which is released quarterly by the Australian...
    10.04.2018  10:17
  • Цены на медь сокращаются после важного заявления Дональда Трампа Copper prices decline after important announcement from Donald Trump

    Copper and other metals are cheaper on the London stock exchange following the announcement by the US of additional obligations towards China. Donald Trump May Increase Customs Duty For Products From China. Copper in three-month shipments at the LME in London is valued at $ 6,754.00 per tonne...
    06.04.2018  16:00
  • Китай оспаривает тарифы США на импорт стали в ВТО China disputes US tariffs on steel imports at WTO

    China's Department of Commerce has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding US restrictions on imports of steel products. China's Commerce Department accused Washington Thursday of "commercial protectionism under the guise of national security" and criticized this...
    06.04.2018  15:54
  • Итоги производства ГМК Украины за март и первый квартал 2018 года Production results of MMC of Ukraine for March and the first quarter of 2018

    In March this year, the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine released: 1.68 million tonnes of pig iron, up 3% compared to February 2018, 1.71 million tonnes of steel, up 6%, rolled 1.51 million tonnes, up 7%. In the first quarter of 2018, the following was produced: pig iron 5.25 million tons...
    05.04.2018  14:30
  • Сможет ли проект Китая подстегнуть мировое производство сырья и металлов Will China's project spur global production of raw materials and metals?

    China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is one of those rare things that almost everyone seems to have heard of, but equally very few people can claim to understand in detail what it means. Thinking in a big way, the BRI as a kind of Marshall Plan for Asia, Africa and even Europe is a set of...
    05.04.2018  13:50
  • Украина резко увеличила экспорт металлолома Ukraine has sharply increased the export of scrap metal

    Ukraine in the first quarter of 2018 increased the export of ferrous scrap by 3.6 times compared to the same period last year (APPG) to 140,116 tons. In monetary terms, the export of scrap from Ukraine in January-March of this year increased 4.1 times to USD 47.788 million. In the Verkhovna Rada...
    04.04.2018  19:45
  • Новые контрмеры Китая в ответ на тарифы США China's new countermeasures in response to US tariffs

    The official said a Chinese industry body that has recommended targeting scrap metal in retaliation for trade against the United States and is already looking into what other measures could be taken. The United States is the largest supplier of scrap metal to China, which is the world's largest...
    04.04.2018  13:35
  • Использование угля в ближайшие 30 лет резко снизится Coal use will decline sharply in the next 30 years

    According to the World Bank, the world's dependence on energy sources such as oil and coal, one of the main culprits of pollution, is decreasing. “The model is coal and renewable energy, the model can be gas and renewable energy. I think in 10, 12 years we will see renewable energy sources and n...
    04.04.2018  13:26
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