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    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Франция требует безусловного исключения из тарифной программы США France demands unconditional exemption from US tariff program

    French Minister of Economy Le Maire demanded on Tuesday, at the end of the G20 meeting in Buenos Aires, the exclusion of France from the United States of tariffs on steel and aluminum without any conditions. “Let's say it's clear that there can be no demand from the United States for the e...
    21.03.2018  12:44
  • США планируют новые тяжелые тарифы для Китая US plans new heavy tariffs for China

    The Trump administration plans to impose $ 60 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods this week to punish Beijing for what the US perceives as stealing intellectual property from American businesses. The administration is said to be considering widespread tariffs on everything from consumer...
    20.03.2018  12:00
  • Надежды Южной Кореи на освобождение от тарифов на сталь в США South Korean hopes for exemption from US steel tariffs

    South Korea's trade minister on Monday expressed cautious hope for an exemption from US-proposed tariffs on Korean steel products as negotiators lobby to minimize the impact on local industries. Pike Un-gyu, secretary of commerce, industry and energy, said South Korea is in talks with US...
    20.03.2018  11:43
  • Цены на стальной прокат могут повысится на 6-10 процентов Steel prices may rise by 6-10 percent

    Global steel prices are expected to rise 6-10 percent this month, reducing the current domestic rebate to the cost of imports. Steel companies plan to raise prices amid rising raw material costs and picking up demand across all sectors, including infrastructure, construction, capital goods and...
    20.03.2018  11:15
  • Украинские предприятия могут потерять долю на внутреннем рынке Ukrainian enterprises may lose their share in the domestic market

    In January-February 2018, Ukrainian metallurgists produced 2,977 thousand tons of rolled metal, of which 2,643 thousand tons, or 88.7%, were exported. Domestic consumers got 334 thousand tons (11.3%) of the total volume of manufactured products. For comparison, for the same period in 2017, out of...
    19.03.2018  11:04
  • Китай и Германия соглашаются работать над избыточными сталелитейными мощностями China and Germany agree to work on excess steel capacity

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed overcapacity in global steel markets and agreed on Saturday to work on solutions within the G20 group of industrialized countries, Merkel's spokeswoman said. In a phone call, the two recently re-elected leaders...
    19.03.2018  10:06
  • Сокращение производства стали помогло китайским заводам увеличить прибыль Cutting Steel Production Helps Chinese Mills Increase Profits

    Chinese steel companies have raised profit margins to 3,000 percent - a result of global price increases on the one hand and the closure of some of the oldest and least efficient factories on the other. According to Xinhua News Agency, 11 companies listed on the Chinese stock exchange announced...
    18.03.2018  15:56
  • Мировой выпуск нержавеющей стали зафиксировал рост на 6% в 2017 году Global stainless steel output recorded 6% growth in 2017

    The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) has released its 2017 annual production statistics. All regions of the world recorded an increase in production throughout the year. World production of stainless steel during the year increased by 5.8% and amounted to 48.1 million tons. In 2016,...
    16.03.2018  12:40
  • «Зеленая энергетика» подождет: чешский олигарх инвестирует $ 1,2 млрд. в европейский уголь Green Energy will wait: Czech oligarch invests $ 1.2 billion in European coal

    Czech energy tycoon Pavel Tykach is willing to invest € 1 billion ($ 1.2 billion) of his own funds in aging coal and gas power plants across Europe. He is betting that polluting power generators will be needed for decades to complement green energy, which plays a large role in utilities from G...
    16.03.2018  08:54
  •  Ангела Меркель намерена обсудить тарифы США на сталь и алюминий Angela Merkel intends to discuss US tariffs on steel and aluminum

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel is holding talks for the first time between the European Union and the United States on steel and aluminum tariffs announced by President Donald Trump, but believes that if necessary, the European community should not fear countermeasures. The German government is...
    15.03.2018  11:48
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