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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

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Metallurgy news

  • Южная Корея хотела бы импортировать газ из России South Korea would like to import gas from Russia

    Seoul is exploring this possibility. South Korea does not exclude the construction of a gas pipeline through which Russian raw materials could be imported. As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Kang Chun-Hwa admitted, if the security situation on the Korean Peninsula...
    30.03.2018  12:42
  • План Украины по снижению действия американских пошлин на алюминий и сталь Ukraine's plan to reduce the effect of US duties on aluminum and steel

    American duties could hit the budget hard, the Ukrainian industrial associations said. The MEDT (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade) is working on the exit of Ukrainian products from the tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum, which the Trump administration imposed on March 23. As...
    29.03.2018  12:21
  • Индия побеждает Японию и становится вторым крупнейшим производителем стали в мире India beats Japan to become the second largest steel producer in the world

    Along with Japan, several other countries in the region, including South Korea, Pakistan and Taiwan, reported production cuts during the month. The monthly steel production statistics released by the World Steel Association (worldsteel) show that India overtook Japan as the second largest steel...
    29.03.2018  12:03
  • Украинские металлурги опасаются реакции Евросоюза на американские пошлины на сталь Ukrainian metallurgists fear EU reaction to US steel duties

    The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT) of Ukraine announced that it wants to meet with US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch and hold talks on removing Ukrainian metal products from the tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, which the administration of President Donald Trump imposed on...
    28.03.2018  21:41
  • «Газпром» отказывается выплатить компенсацию Украине Gazprom refuses to pay compensation to Ukraine

    Russian Gazprom refuses to pay compensation to Naftogaz of Ukraine, which was provided to this state-owned company by the Arbitration Tribunal in Stockholm, the press service of Naftogaz said on Tuesday, recalling that it is almost 2.6 billion US dollars. According to the Ukrainian company,...
    28.03.2018  09:55
  • Eurofer: рынок должен быть защищен от стали, не допущенной в США Eurofer: the market must be protected from US-banned steel

    The EU steel industry has been exempted from tariffs on US steel imports, but other issues need to be addressed now. The European Commission has confirmed the start of a process aimed at mitigating the effects of market shocks that could trigger US tariffs. This procedure applies to 26 types of...
    28.03.2018  09:50
  • Китай не будет экспортировать устаревшие средства производства China will not export obsolete capital goods

    Over the years, China has been phasing out overcapacity in the steel sector. At the same time, the Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China, Miao Wei, assured: “China will not export obsolete capital goods, eliminated in the process of reducing excess production capacity, to other c...
    27.03.2018  13:20
  • Растет мировое производство стали World steel production is growing

    In February, the world produced 131.8 million tons of steel, which means an increase of 3.5% in comparison with the previous year. China produced 64.9 million tonnes of steel, up 5.9 percent from a year ago, despite shutting down substantial production capacity. Among the most important steel...
    27.03.2018  12:37
  • Решение США отложить ввод пошлин на сталь для ЕС объединило Европу US decision to postpone EU steel tariffs unites Europe

    According to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the Trump administration's decision to postpone EU steel duties until May 1 is both good and bad news for the European Union. “This is good and bad news. The United States is our main partner, especially in trade, and the United S...
    25.03.2018  11:46
  • Торговая война может угрожать мировой экономике Trade war could threaten the global economy

    World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Roberto Azevedo has called on states to engage in WTO dialogue to end trade disruptions in the global economy. “Disruptions in world trade will threaten the global economy during economic recovery,” Azevedo said at the WTO meeting in Gen...
    25.03.2018  11:34
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