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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Белорусский БМЗ планирует поставлять в Россию стальные бесшовные трубы Belarusian BMZ plans to supply seamless steel pipes to Russia

    The Belarusian Metallurgical Plant (BMZ) planned to supply a batch of steel seamless pipes worth 600 million rubles in 2023 to Bashkortostan, and the goods will be delivered to an oil equipment manufacturer. From January to September, BMZ delivered $6.8 million worth of steel products to the...
    20.10.2022  10:19
  • Цены на строительную сталь в Китае упали из-за фундаментальных факторов Construction steel prices in China fell due to fundamental factors

    Structural steel prices in China have been declining since the country's National Day celebrations (October 1-7), mainly as demand lacked significant growth momentum and cost support from raw materials weakened. In addition, market sentiment was dampened by the resurgence of COVID-19 cases across...
    19.10.2022  12:08
  • Tata Steel намерена уйти с рынка стали Великобритании Tata Steel intends to withdraw from the UK steel market

    Tata Sons, a subsidiary of Tata Steel, may leave the UK steel industry due to the inability to obtain financial support from the UK government. Tata Sons said it plans to provide financial support for the replacement of blast furnaces with electric arc furnaces at its Port Talbot plant. However,...
    19.10.2022  12:06
  • Санкции США в отношении российского алюминия повлияют на мировой рынок US sanctions against Russian aluminum will affect the global market

    The US government is considering a ban on aluminum imports to Russia, which has caused concern in the global market, as Russia, the world's second largest aluminum producer, supplies aluminum, which accounts for about 6% of the world's production, which is about 70%. million tons. The three...
    18.10.2022  11:37
  • Ferrexpo приостанавливает производство из-за повреждения энергоинфраструктуры Украины Ferrexpo suspends production due to damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure

    Ferrexpo, a Ukrainian iron ore producer, said it had suspended production at its iron ore pellet plant in central Ukraine after a Russian missile attack damaged the country's energy infrastructure and no employees were injured in the attack. In the energy supply of Ukraine, priority was given to...
    18.10.2022  11:33
  • Россия планирует ускорить разработку новых месторождений хрома Russia plans to accelerate the development of new chromium deposits

    The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a strategy for the steel industry by 2030 with the goal of reducing chromium ore imports to Russia to below 30% of market demand in order to reduce dependence on imports. To achieve this goal, Russia plans to develop the Saranovskoye field...
    18.10.2022  11:05
  • Новый завод по производству сортового проката.в Боливии начнет работу в 2024 году New long products plant in Bolivia to start operations in 2024

    The Bolivian government has accelerated the construction of the Mutún steel complex to produce high quality steel to replace 50% of the nation's steel imports and receive US$75 million per year in the first phase. Mutun, located in the department of Santa Cruz in Bolivia, has the largest iron ...
    17.10.2022  10:03
  • CISA: ежедневное производство стали упало в октябре CISA: daily steel production fell in October

    Daily crude steel production among China Metallurgical and Steel Association (CISA) member plants declined further in the first half of October, falling by 1.1% or 23,700 tons per day in 10 days to an average of 2.11 million tons in day, according to the association's new report on 13...
    17.10.2022  09:56
  • В результате взрыва на угольной шахте в Турции погибли 41 человек Turkey coal mine explosion kills 41

    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said an explosion at a coal mine in northern Turkey on Friday night killed 41 people and injured several more as search and rescue efforts came to an end. A fire broke out at a mine in northern Bartin province, Amasra district, on Friday. Initial evidence suggests...
    17.10.2022  09:52
  • Европа сталкивается с отсутствием газовой безопасности Europe faces gas insecurity

    Europe is likely to survive cuts in Russian natural gas supplies this winter as the war in Ukraine continues, but the coming heating season will underscore the continent's ability to meet energy needs, experts said at the Columbia Global Energy Summit in New York. The flow of Russian pipelines,...
    14.10.2022  10:59
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