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Mechel has successfully passed the certification of rails

Мечел успешно прошел сертификацию рельсов
Mechel OAO announced that independent laboratory testing of the rails produced at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant has confirmed their high quality and compliance with the strictest international standards.

To confirm the certification, a batch of DT350 rails has passed laboratory tests carried out at the Railway Research Institute of Russia. The rails have passed successful laboratory tests at all points and fully comply with the requirements of the Russian Railways (RZD). Laboratory tests have confirmed the high quality of the rails of the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant, including rail steel, which is distinguished by a high degree of purity for non-metallic inclusions.

Bench tests of rails for fatigue and crack resistance have shown that the products of the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant are an example of compliance with the highest international standards and surpass their Russian counterparts. For the testing phase following the laboratory test, the rails were laid on an experimental railway ring, which is used to test the rails in real conditions for a period of 6 months to 7 months.

Oleg Korzhov, General Director of Mechel OAO, said that "a large-scale preliminary work has been done before laying the rails of the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant on the experimental ring railway of the Research Institute. that meet all the requirements of world-class products. "
