According to the industry association of enterprises "Metallurgprom", the production of the main types of products by metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine in September 2015 was:
- pig iron - 2,033 thousand tons (average daily production - 67.8 thousand tons; an increase of 5.6 thousand tons per day, or 9 percent compared to August);
- steel - 2,060 thousand tons (68.7 thousand tons; an increase of 6.8 thousand tons per day or 11 percent);
- rolled products - 1,755 thousand tons (58.5 thousand tons; an increase of 3.0 thousand tons per day, or 5 percent).
In absolute terms, the production of pig iron increased compared to August by 106 thousand tons (+ 6 percent), steel - by 141 thousand tons (+7 percent), rolled metal - by 35 thousand tons (+2 percent).
For 12 days in October, the average daily production of pig iron amounted to 67.4 thousand tons, steel - 67.0 thousand tons, rolled products - 54.3 thousand tons.
Compared to May 2014, which achieved the highest production figures of the previous year, the current production level is: for cast iron - 80 percent, for steel - 75 percent, for rolled products - 70 percent.
The production of metallurgical products by ferrous metallurgy enterprises of Ukraine for 9 months of 2015 amounted to:
- pig iron - 15997 thousand tons (81 percent of the production volume for 9 months of 2014);
- steel - 17097 thousand tons (80 percent);
- rolled products - 14957 thousand tons (79 percent).
As of 01.10.15. 23 out of 30 operating blast furnaces (77 percent), 8 open-hearth furnaces out of 9 (89 percent) and 16 converters out of 21 (76 percent) were in operation.
Currently, the Donetsk Electrometallurgical Plant (DEMZ) and the Donetsk Metal Rolling Plant (DMPZ) are still not working.
The results of the work of the mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine in September 2015 were summed up
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Azovpromstal® 15 October 2015 г. 15:53 |