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Mariupol plant named after Ilyich mastered the production of 16 new types of rolled metal

Мариупольский завод имени Ильича освоил производство 16 новых видов металлопроката
As the general director of the Mariupol Metallurgical Plant named after Ilyich of the Metinvest Group Yuri Zinchenko said on his Facebook page, since the beginning of 2015 the plant has mastered the production of 16 new types of metal products.

New products include DCO1 cold-rolled steel for a Colombian customer and CS standard-quality cold-rolled carbon steel coils according to ASTM A1008M for the US market.

The specialists of the Ilyich Iron and Steel Works have developed a technology for the production of steel for the production of new grades for the needs of the machine-building industry.

“Our metal is now used to produce a thick 30MnB5 boron steel sheet for agricultural machinery. And the electric pipe shop has recently mastered the production of new pipe profiles from the St2-3ps grades, ”Zinchenko said.
