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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • ArcelorMittal инвестирует в Криворожсталь ArcelorMittal invests in Kryvorizhstal

    ArcelorMittal is investing $ 1.5 billion to modernize the Kryvorizhstal plant. The company intends to support further reductions in CO2 emissions at the plant. By 2020, the company intends to complete the construction of two new coke oven batteries and two continuous casting lines, a converter...
    29.12.2017  12:02
  • В ближайшие годы рост цен на сталь обеспечен In the coming years, the increase in steel prices is ensured

    The Christmas break and stocks in warehouses in December stabilized steel prices for the rest of the year. But according to MEPS International, steel will become more expensive again in January. The correction will take place only at the end of the decade. Many European markets recorded high...
    29.12.2017  11:33
  • Реформы горного дела США имеют решающее значение для энергетической безопасности US Mining Reforms Critical to Energy Security

    One of the challenges in the US energy sector is its rapidly growing dependence on foreign governments for goods that are critical to economic growth and national security. Back in the mid-1950s, the United States relied entirely on foreign sources for just 8 minerals. Today that number has more...
    28.12.2017  15:19
  • Цены на сталь в Китае падают Steel prices in China are falling

    Chinese steel prices fell after senior officials said growth targets would be sacrificed due to pollution cuts and property taxes would be introduced after 2019. Since December 22, prices for steel billets and rebar have decreased by 6-7%. The factories reacted by cutting the level of export...
    28.12.2017  14:58
  • Какие компании получили лицензии на поставку газа в Украине? Which companies have received licenses to supply gas to Ukraine?

    The State Commission for Energy and Utilities has issued licenses for the supply of natural gas to Rinat Akhmetov's DTEK Naftogaz LLC and Khimvektor LLC, the ultimate beneficiary of which is Dmitry Firtash through Valanox Investments Limited, a Cyprus-based company. The National Commission made...
    27.12.2017  11:07
  • Китайские государственные компании завершают год с двузначным ростом Chinese state-owned companies end year with double-digit growth

    In the first 11 months of 2017, Chinese state-owned enterprises increased profits by a quarter. The most profitable sectors are steel and metals, coal, oil and petroleum products. According to the Chinese Ministry of Finance, state-owned companies generated a total of 2.5 trillion yuan in...
    27.12.2017  10:56
  • Объем выпуска стали Японии в январе-марте может вырасти The volume of production of steel in Japan in January-March may grow

    Japan has been gradually losing ground as the world's second largest steel producer recently, but Japan's crude steel production is projected to rise 0.6 percent in January-March to meet rising demand, the Ministry of Trade and Industry said. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)...
    27.12.2017  10:47
  • ТМК вновь подтвердила соответствие стандарту ISO 9001:2015 TMK reaffirmed compliance with ISO 9001: 2015

    One of the world's largest pipe producers in the oil and gas sector - Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) - has successfully passed the audit of the corporate quality management system (KSMK) to confirm compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015. More than 30 Russian...
    26.12.2017  12:20
  • Экономика Китая сможет опередить Америку к 2032 году China's economy could overtake America by 2032

    According to the Center for Economic and Business Research (CEBR), China will become the leader in terms of GDP in dollar terms, overtaking the United States, by 2032. The four largest economies in the world will include India and Japan, which is associated with the constant growth of economic...
    26.12.2017  11:49
  • Запорожсталь отгрузила 573000 тонн металлопроката речным транспортом Zaporizhstal shipped 573,000 tons of rolled metal by river transport

    In 2017, Zaporizhstal shipped over 573 thousand tons of rolled metal by water. Thus, 17 percent of the total volume of metal products produced by the plant was sent by water to Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Turkey. The use of water transport allows the plant to reduce logistics costs. The...
    26.12.2017  11:32
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