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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Регион MENA превосходит по росту общего производства стали MENA region outperforms overall steel production

    Steel production in the MENA region has already exceeded total production last year, according to the latest statistics released by the World Steel Association. In January-November 2017, the output of MENA metal products amounted to 70.77 million tons against 68.23 million tons in 2016. On an...
    25.12.2017  11:46
  • Политические цели и реалии индийской металлургии Political goals and realities of Indian metallurgy

    Indian steel mills have raised production capacity to play a role in Modi's Make-in-India agenda as well as take over a larger share of the burgeoning market. But they are increasingly forced to export steel, expecting domestic demand to catch up. In fact, India is exporting more of its steel...
    25.12.2017  11:36
  • Прогноз  мирового спроса на сталь в 2018 году от Nippon Steel Nippon Steel's 2018 Global Steel Demand Forecast

    Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp, the largest steelmaker in Japan, expects steel demand to remain strong globally in 2018, including in top consumer China, the company president said. “I am not worried about the economic slowdown in China after the fall Congress of the Communist Party,” said Ni...
    25.12.2017  11:18
  • Мировой выпуск нержавеющей стали выросло на 7,4% Global stainless steel production up 7.4%

    The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) has released production statistics for the nine-month period in 2017. According to the ISSF, global stainless steel production for the nine months of 2017 was 36.08 million tonnes, up 7.4% over the same period in 2016. Stainless steel production in the...
    24.12.2017  10:37
  • ThyssenKrupp и Tata Steel приближаются к созданию совместной металлургической компании ThyssenKrupp and Tata Steel move closer to setting up a joint steel company

    ThyssenKrupp has reached an agreement with IG Metall to continue working on a joint venture with Tata Steel. It can be created early next year. ThyssenKrupp and Tata Steel intend to create a joint steel company in Europe, in which each side will own half of the shares. An agreement with the...
    23.12.2017  11:08
  • Цены на лом черных металлов возвращаются к пику 2017 года Ferrous scrap prices return to 2017 peak

    At the end of the year, scrap prices recovered their peak levels in 2017, which were observed at the end of August. In contrast, iron ore prices are more than 20% below their 2017 highs. Turkish factories, which are the world's largest consumers of scrap metal, are showing a healthy demand for...
    23.12.2017  11:01
  • Китай останется главным игроком для глобального спроса на сырьевые товары China will remain a major player for global commodity demand

    China's influence on basic commodities is likely to remain the single most important driver of supply and demand in 2018, but that doesn't mean next year will be just a repeat of what happened this year. China's increased use of natural gas should have been negative for the country's coal...
    22.12.2017  11:46
  • Анализ: Высокий уровень цен на коксующийся уголь сохраняется Analysis: High coking coal prices persist

    Further increases in premium coking coal prices are pushing tier 2 coking coal and PCIe coking coal up in price, supporting the PCI transition to recover relative prices, analysis from S&P Global Platts shows. Tier 2 hard coking coal narrowed its discount in relative terms to catch up, but lost...
    22.12.2017  11:14
  • За ноябрь 2017 года производство стали выросло на 3,6% Steel production increased by 3.6% in November 2017

    World steel production for 66 countries representing the World Steel Association (Worldsteel) was 136.3 million tonnes in November 2017, up 3.7% from November 2016. Steel production in China in November 2017 amounted to 66.2 million tons, which is 2.2% more than in November 2016. In November...
    21.12.2017  10:20
  • Газпром продолжит завоевывать рынки Gazprom will continue to conquer markets

    The world's largest gas producer, Russia's Gazprom, has adopted next year's budget. It is clear from this that the company will continue to increase gas sales in the Union. Investment costs for gas pipelines will also increase by almost 40 percent. Next year, the forecast is slightly lower - 188...
    21.12.2017  10:07
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