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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Азовсталь сокращает производство листовой стали из-за ЕС Azovstal cuts production of sheet steel due to EU

    The Mariupol metallurgical plant Azovstal, according to UGMK.info, plans to produce about 71 thousand tons of heavy plate in January 2017, which is 14 percent less than the result of the previous month. It is explained that the reduction in the production of sheet metal products is associated...
    10.01.2018  13:12
  • Газ из России будет поступать в США Gas from Russia will go to the USA

    Russian LNG will also ship to Boston in January in January. The deal follows a surge in gas prices on the east coast of the United States. Gas from Russia is transported by tanker Gaselys, owned by the French corporation Engie. The liquefied gas will be transported from the UK terminal on Zern...
    09.01.2018  12:53
  • Медь вновь на стороне роста Copper is on the side of growth again

    Copper prices on the London Metal Exchange are rising slightly. Metal on the LME in 3-month deliveries rose 0.3 percent to $ 7,333.00 per tonne. Changes in quotes may occur in the coming weeks, but close to current levels, until some stronger factors emerge that will push the market up or down,...
    08.01.2018  10:12
  • Экологическое протесты назревают в Перу Environmental protests are brewing in Peru

    The Peruvian government will have to deal with a large number of mining-related protests in 2018 due to the country's environmental distortions. Earlier in October, the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) updated the list of mining projects requiring an environmental assessment prior to mining...
    08.01.2018  09:59
  • Газопровода Польша-Литва должен разорвать связь со временами СССР The Poland-Lithuania gas pipeline should break the connection with the times of the USSR

    Polish Gas-Sistema received a location decision for a gas connection between Poland and Lithuania. This will be the main point of the gas pipeline for Poland, Lithuania, which is important for the European Union. The merger will enhance the region's energy security, and the entire 515 km gas...
    06.01.2018  12:43
  • Китай модернизирует угольную промышленность China is modernizing its coal industry

    China said it plans to set up several "super-heavy" coal miners by the end of 2020 as the world's largest producer of raw materials ramps up its efforts to streamline its fragmented sector and reduce obsolete capacity. The country's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has said that...
    06.01.2018  12:11
  • Итоги производства ГМК Украины за 2017 год Results of production of MMC of Ukraine for 2017

    In December 2017, metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine smelted 1.87 million tons of pig iron and 1.88 million tons of steel, which is 3% and 0.4% higher compared to November 2017, respectively. Rolled metal production increased by 0.7% to 1.7 million tonnes. The growth in steel and rolled metal...
    06.01.2018  12:11
  • Китай вводит запрет на запуск новых сталелитейных мощностей в 2018 году China to ban new steel production facilities in 2018

    China, the world's largest steel producer, has pledged to continue its efforts to reduce steel volumes. In a statement released Thursday by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the country's administration reaffirmed its commitment to curbing excess steel capacity. MIIT...
    05.01.2018  11:55
  • Чили и Аргентина обеспечат значительный рост производства лития Chile and Argentina to provide significant growth in lithium production

    A new report from BMI Research says lithium production will expand on projects in Chile and Argentina in the coming years, with the bulk of the new capacity coming online in 2019. “We have updated our lithium production projections for Chile and Argentina to reflect the relatively slow d...
    05.01.2018  11:18
  • Больше нефти из России в Китай More oil from Russia to China

    The second line of the Russia-China oil pipeline has been put into operation, according to China National Petroleum Corp, the largest producer of petrochemical products in China. It is capable of shipping 15 million tons per year and will double the volume of oil from Russia to 30 million...
    04.01.2018  12:14
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