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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Сталелитейная промышленность Китая растет наряду с ценами на металлопрокат China's steel industry is growing alongside steel prices

    According to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), steel production in China continues to rise and steel product prices rise amid a global recovery and a stronger domestic economy combined, boosting demand. The steel price index stood at 116.62 points in November, up 0.92...
    04.01.2018  11:57
  • Россия добыла рекордное количество нефти Russia has produced a record amount of oil

    In 2017, Russia produced a record amount of oil and natural gas. In 2018, it may be difficult to repeat this result due to the OPEC agreement, to which Russia has joined, which should gradually restrict oil production in order to increase oil prices. According to the Russian Ministry of Energy,...
    03.01.2018  13:05
  • Гендиректор Запорожстали: Мы завершили 2017 год с достойными результатами Zaporizhstal CEO: We ended 2017 with decent results

    “We ended 2017 with decent results. We held back production, carried out a large-scale ecological reconstruction of BF No. 3, reached a record for the production of pig iron, expanded the range by 8 items, reduced the cost of production, and increased the energy efficiency of production. The most i...
    02.01.2018  15:50
  • ДМК существенно сократил выпуск слали в 2017 году DMK significantly reduced its output in 2017

    The Dnieper Metallurgical Plant, which specializes in the production of cast iron, steel, rolled products and consumer goods, is part of the Industrial Union of Donbass Corporation (ISD). According to the results of production in 2017, DMK reduced the output of rolled products to 1.328 million...
    02.01.2018  12:09
  • Китай становится вторым импортером СПГ в мире China becomes the world's second largest LNG importer

    In 2017, LNG exports to China increased by 50%. This country has become the second largest importer of this raw material in the world. The country bought over 38 million tons of liquefied gas abroad. This means that China has overtaken South Korea (37 million tons) to become the second largest...
    02.01.2018  11:55
  • Повышение цен на коксующийся уголь неизбежно Increase in coking coal prices is inevitable

    Coke prices on the Chinese market increased due to a lack of supply and high customer activity. European steelmakers also point to an increase in demand for coking coal for steel production as a result of the needs of the automotive industry and the need to supply raw materials for...
    02.01.2018  11:46
  • Будущее для стали на автомобильном рынке The future for steel in the automotive market

    The automotive industry has long been introducing new requirements and regulations. This is especially true of the impact of the car on the environment. Even the standards for gas emissions are becoming more stringent. Significant progress has been made over the past 17 years. But even more will be...
    31.12.2017  12:47
  • Украина водит антидемпинговые пошлины на арматуру из России в течение 5 лети Ukraine has been driving anti-dumping duties on rebar from Russia for 5 years

    Ukraine has announced a final anti-dumping duty of 15.21% on rebar and wire rod from the Russian Federation for a period of five years. This decision was made by the Commission on International Trade (ICMT) of Ukraine on December 28, 2017, and published on Friday in the newspaper "Uryadovy...
    30.12.2017  11:41
  • Медь зафиксировала чрезвычайные результаты в 2017 году Copper records extraordinary results in 2017

    Copper prices on the London Metal Exchange during the last session in 2017 are slightly lower, but the end result for the metal will be one of the best in a decade. On the morning of December 29, copper on the LME in 3-month supplies became cheaper by 0.1 percent, amounting to $ 7,282.00 per...
    30.12.2017  11:25
  • ДНЕПРОСПЕЦСТАЛЬ расширила сортамент продукции для железных дорог DNEPROSPETSSTAL expanded the range of products for railways

    PJSC "DNEPROSPETSSTAL" received Certificate No. UA 1.098.0018043-17, which confirms the fulfillment of the requirements of state standards of Ukraine to the technical parameters of rough axles for locomotives of the rolling stock of the Ukrainian railways. The representatives of PJSC...
    29.12.2017  12:06
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