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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • Новая технология плавки стали исключает кокс New steel melting technology eliminates coke

    Carbon dioxide emissions from steel production can be reduced by 80%. Tata Steel knows how. The next phase of testing a new pig iron production technology was launched at Tata Steel's factories. This reduces carbon dioxide emissions by one fifth. The first such smelter is planned to be built. The...
    21.12.2017  09:22
  • Экспортная цена ст али Китая достигла четырехлетнего максимума China steel export price hits four-year high

    According to the China Metallurgy Association (CISA), improvements in the quality and structure of steel products resulted in China's export price of USD 798.8 per tonne in October, the highest since February 2014. In the first 10 months of this year, the average export price for steel products...
    20.12.2017  12:21
  • Германия возобновит проект газопровода Северный поток 2? Germany to resume Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project?

    The possible return of the Social Democrats to the German government increases the chances of the existence of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. Until last month, some high-ranking officials from the German Foreign Ministry had expected that priority for Russian President Vladimir Putin,...
    20.12.2017  12:07
  • Китай может создать рынок торговли выбросами на сумму 90 млрд евро China could create € 90bn emissions trading market

    China was to launch its own version of the carbon trading system by the end of the year, which was supposed to reach 6,000 enterprises in the beginning. It is currently reported that only 1,700 companies will be included in the beginning. The system should be introduced by companies that...
    20.12.2017  09:36
  • За 9 месяцев 2017 года консолидированная выручка Метинвеста увеличилась на 36% For 9 months of 2017, Metinvest's consolidated revenue increased by 36%

    Netherlands-based Metinvest B.V., the parent company of the international vertically integrated metals and mining group of companies, today announced preliminary financial results for the nine months ended September 30, 2017. In 9M 2017, Metinvest's consolidated revenue increased by 36%...
    19.12.2017  17:53
  • Состояние рынка металлопроката в Украине по итогам за 11 месяцев 2017 года State of the rolled metal market in Ukraine based on the results for 11 months of 2017

    In the period from January to November 2017, Ukrainian metallurgists produced 16.34 million tons of rolled metal, which is 15% lower than in the same period in 2016. According to ETR-SPECTR LLC, 13.35 million tons of products, or 79.7%, were exported from this volume. Nevertheless, for 11 months of...
    19.12.2017  16:38
  • Спрос на сталь в Китае сильно снизился по сравнению с ноябрем Steel demand in China has fallen sharply compared to November

    Compared to previous months, China's steel production and low export volumes continue to underline strong fundamental requirements in the world's largest steel market, Commerzbank said. Chinese steel output, which is mainly provided by blast furnaces, increased earlier this year, as recorded by...
    19.12.2017  10:21
  • Tokyo Steel повысит цены на продукцию второй месяц подряд в январе Tokyo Steel will raise product prices for the second consecutive month in January

    Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co Ltd, a leading manufacturer of electric arc furnaces in Japan, said Monday that it will raise product prices in January for the second straight month due to tough market conditions at home and abroad and expectations for higher market prices. Steel product prices,...
    19.12.2017  10:09
  • Будущее угля The future of coal

    Coal may have dropped out of sight in China, North America and Europe, but India and other Asian countries will ensure that the dirtiest fossil fuels continue to supply more than a quarter of the world's energy. Rapid economic development in parts of Asia will rely on coal-fired power plants,...
    19.12.2017  10:05
  • Метинвест представил общественности Мариуполя проекты экологической модернизации ММК имени Ильича Metinvest unveils environmental modernization projects for Ilyich Steel Plant in Mariupol

    On December 14, independent experts, representatives of the city administration and local public organizations got acquainted with the progress of the ecological modernization of the sinter-blast furnace and converter production at the Ilyich Iron and Steel Works. As part of the reconstruction...
    18.12.2017  14:35
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