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  • Sheet steel in Mariupol, Dnipro and Kiev

    There are more than 2000 tons of sheet products in the company's warehouse. Various grades of steel, including st45, 65G, 10HSND, 09G2S, 40X, 30HGSA and foreign analogues S690QL, S355, A514, etc.
  • Steel rental on

    In the shortest possible time, we will produce any quantity of sheet steel of specified dimensions

Metallurgy news

  • POSCO сообщает о самой высокой квартальной прибыли за 3 квартал POSCO Reports Highest Quarterly Profit for Q3

    South Korean steelmaker POSCO reported the highest quarterly operating profit in the third quarter, as steel prices rose on lower shipments from China. POSCO, the world's sixth largest steelmaker, said Monday that its consolidated operating income for the July-September quarter was 3.1 trillion...
    26.10.2021  10:36
  • JSPL подчеркнула негативные последствия дальнейшего роста цен на сталь JSPL Highlights Negative Impact of Further Rising Steel Prices

    Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) says that further increases in global steel prices will make it unaffordable for customers, which in turn could have serious negative consequences for the entire sector. Sharma, JSPL's managing director, said the company does not expect steel prices to rise...
    25.10.2021  11:45
  • Сталелитейные заводы США работают на 85,3% производственной мощности US steel mills operate at 85.3% of production capacity

    The weekly crude steel production data released by the American Steel and Steel Institute (AISI) showed a significant increase in production for the week ending October 16, 2021. Weekly production grew by a significant 21.5% over the previous one. year. US crude steel production was 1.882...
    25.10.2021  11:04
  • thyssenkrupp достигнет климатической нейтральности на 20 лет раньше запланированного срока thyssenkrupp achieves climate neutrality 20 years ahead of schedule

    The main goal of sustainable development will be achieved by the company 20 years ahead of schedule. thyssenkrupp Materials Services reaffirms its own sustainability ambition and significantly expands its climate protection targets: the company will be climate neutral globally by 2030 - roughly 20...
    24.10.2021  10:42
  • Производство и потребление металлопроката в Украине за 9 месяцев 2021 Production and consumption of rolled metal in Ukraine for 9 months 2021

    In January-September 2021, Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises produced 14,490,000 tons of rolled metal (105.6% compared to the same period in 2020), of which about 11,490,000 tons, or 79.3%, were exported. In the same period in 2020, the share of exports was about 82.5% (11,310,000 tons with a...
    23.10.2021  14:15
  • Как скажется иск на Nippon Steel на производстве автомобилей Toyota? How will the lawsuit against Nippon Steel affect the production of Toyota cars?

    Japan's Nippon Steel Corp is suing Toyota Motor Corp's customer to stop manufacturing and selling vehicles containing specialty steel made by rival Chinese supplier Baoshan Iron & Steel Co Ltd (Baosteel), which it is also suing. Nippon Steel is suing Toyota and Baosteel in a Tokyo court for...
    22.10.2021  11:52
  • Турецкая компания BMS Steel Wire начинает строительство нового прокатного стана Turkish BMS Steel Wire begins construction of a new rolling mill

    Turkish steel wire mesh manufacturer, BMS Steel Wire, was planning to build a new plant in Aliaga /Izmir to increase its production capacity. After obtaining a building permit issued by the Aliagi government, the company began construction of a new wire mesh and ribbed steel rolling mill. At...
    22.10.2021  11:46
  • Производство стали в Италии выросло в сентябре по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года Steel production in Italy increased in September compared to the same period last year

    According to statistics, steel production in Italy in September this year amounted to about 2.3 million tons, which is 28.3% more than in the same month a year ago. This was the best production volume compared to the same period since 2012. Italy produced over 18.6 million tonnes of crude steel...
    22.10.2021  11:41
  • Кто сможет ездить поездом и автобусом после 21 октября и как это будут контролировать - Укрзализныця Who will be able to travel by train and bus after October 21 and how it will be controlled - Ukrzaliznytsia

    From October 21, according to the updated rules, before boarding the train, passengers must show a vaccination certificate or document confirming at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine or a negative PCR test or rapid antigen test. This was reported by Ukrzaliznytsia. Otherwise, the conductor has...
    22.10.2021  09:47
  • НОРНИКЕЛЬ объявляет итоги производства за 9 месяцев 2021года NORNIKEL announces production results for 9 months of 20221

    PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, the world's largest producer of palladium and high-grade nickel, as well as a major producer of platinum and copper, announces preliminary production results for the third quarter and nine months of 2021, and also confirms an earlier production forecast for 2021. Senior...
    21.10.2021  10:52
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